Civil War Flags

Civil War Flags
A Union and Confedrate Flag.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Great Civil War.

My first topic in history will be the civil war of the 1860s. I will be talking about battles, the people who fought in the battles. I will also explain the economics of each respective side and how it helped them win or lose the war. Then I will talk about some of the issues behind the war. I will ask questions like: Was Slavery a main cause of the Civil War? or Is the Civil War actually (Go down to the second definition) Civil or is it a revolution?. I will try to answer these questions with some research and a lot of thinking that I have done. The first thing on the Civil War is a Biography of Abraham Lincoln, this will probably be quoted from a biography site and I will add my opinion of how he affected the war. Then I will do the Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, who happens to be very interesting. Next we will move on to the Confederate Government. Then I will do the economics of each side. Then I will move on to the Battles such as Gettysburg, Antietam, and some of these battles from this Site. Its a very interesting site. I will not do all the battles but I will do most of them. After the Civil war, I will move on to World War 1 and then on to World War 2.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome to my History Blog!

I will be writing about History. Mostly the 1700s to the 1980s history. All of the wars, big world changing events. My favorite topic happens to be World War 2 and the Civil War. I will be talking and debating about the Civil War and its causes. I will have biographies of the famous people through out history. I will also write about sports history of my favorite teams, being the New York Jets and New York Mets. These will consist of names and records and stats. My friend and future Journalist Matt, who has his own site will be writing on the topic of planes and the history and progress of them through out history. I will try to write every week from now on.

Yes I did have a Sports blog but I deleted it, because my friend pointed it out to me that I love history and I should write about that instead.