Civil War Flags

Civil War Flags
A Union and Confedrate Flag.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Great Civil War.

My first topic in history will be the civil war of the 1860s. I will be talking about battles, the people who fought in the battles. I will also explain the economics of each respective side and how it helped them win or lose the war. Then I will talk about some of the issues behind the war. I will ask questions like: Was Slavery a main cause of the Civil War? or Is the Civil War actually (Go down to the second definition) Civil or is it a revolution?. I will try to answer these questions with some research and a lot of thinking that I have done. The first thing on the Civil War is a Biography of Abraham Lincoln, this will probably be quoted from a biography site and I will add my opinion of how he affected the war. Then I will do the Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, who happens to be very interesting. Next we will move on to the Confederate Government. Then I will do the economics of each side. Then I will move on to the Battles such as Gettysburg, Antietam, and some of these battles from this Site. Its a very interesting site. I will not do all the battles but I will do most of them. After the Civil war, I will move on to World War 1 and then on to World War 2.

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