Civil War Flags

Civil War Flags
A Union and Confedrate Flag.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Union Officer: General Winfield Scott

Union Officer Winfield Scott was born in June 13, 1786. Here is a short BIOGRAPHY of him. He was a General for the Union during the civil war. I will doing a short summary of life and military career. As I have said before, I have a book called The Everything Civil War Book. I will be using it to explain what Scott's role was in the war about his life. This will be shorter then old Abe and Mr. Davis.
Winfield Scott had great military career, he was raised and work on a farm in Virginia. He then went to the college of William & Mary was a lawyer then he become a captain of the artillery in 1808. Scott fought in the War of 1812 and the Indian and Mexicans wars. Scott was praised by his future enemy Robert E Lee. Scott also became the first Lieutenant since George Washington. Not only did Scott serve in the military but he was a politician. He was Whig, he ran for President in the year of 1852 but lost to Franklin Pierce, the fourteenth president of US. Scott joined the military after he lost. He got the nickname "old fuss and feathers" because of how he dressed. Scott's military career really took off when the civil war started. He called on Robert E Lee as field commander since he was the Lieutenant Captain. Lee turned down this offer and went to his beloved state of Virginia. Since Lee turned this down, he went to another soon to be great general George McClellan. Scott and McClellan did not get along well and constant avoided each other.
During the War, Scott was not liked in the beginning because the Union's inability to win the war quickly. Unfortunately for Scott, he decide to step down when the Union lost Ball's Bluff. McClellan took over the command. Scott was a short lived hero, he spent the rest of his life traveling the world. General Winfield Scott died in 1866. Before he was ousted from his post, he came up with a plan to defeat to the Confederates. It was called the Anaconda Plan. He actually live to see it work. The Anaconda Plan was plan to take the confederate states. His a some information on what exactly it was.
If YOU want more information on General Winfield Scott then you go to Google and type his name or use a encyclopedia.

Next will be: George B McClellan(tomorrow)

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