Civil War Flags

Civil War Flags
A Union and Confedrate Flag.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Union Officer: Willliam Tecumseh Sherman

William Tecumseh Sherman was a Union officer in the civil war. He was born February 8th, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. You can read this Biography if you prefer that over my thing. I will be using my The Everything Civil War Book to supplement my writing and information.
Sherman is pretty well known for his accomplishments. Sherman was born Ohio with his mother and Father and at the age of 9. His father a well known Judge and Lawyer died. Sherman was raise by his neighbor until age 16 when he went off to West Point. Sherman graduated from West Point in 1840 and enter the military as a second Lieutenant. Sherman saw action in a few small wars the most notable one the Mexican War. Sherman temporarily retired from the military in 1853. He went on to try a career in law and banking but he found it very boring. He ended working as a superintendent for a Louisiana Military school.
When the Civil War started, Sherman was somewhat of southern but when asked to fight for the Confederacy, he turn it down and went to the Union. Sherman was colonel for the infantry and saw action at the First Bulls run campaign in July 1861. Note: The Union did not do very good in the being of the war. So even though he was successful the union was not. Sherman was promoted to Brigadier General and he was also assigned to Kentucky. Sherman has some trouble and was not a very commander of his department. He argue with his commanding officers and the press and eventually consider suicide. In March 1862, He took over in Tennessee. Sherman was injured in the battle of Shiloh and it was almost blamed on him. Ulysses S Grant praised Sherman for his quick thinking. Sherman was placed in command on the Mississippi.
This started Sherman's Famous march. Sherman's orders were to march down to Atlanta and disable the economic center of the Confederacy. Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground and went on to march through the south creating havoc. This was called Sherman's March to the Sea. Sherman had the south surrender and he took over the for the conclusion of the civil war for Grant. William T Sherman died February 14, 1891. William T Sherman was a great Military leader and if it wasn't for him, the north would have had trouble. If YOU want more Information on William Tecumseh Sherman then type in on Google or look in a encyclopedia.

Next: Battle Breakdown...Fort Sumter

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